What to see in Salò

HomeSalòWhat to see in Salò

If you’re wondering about what to see in Salò you have to know that this small town is one of the mandatory stops for a road trip of the Lake Garda, as it has some natural attractions and beauties that are among the most wonderful in this gulf. There are many activities that you can do, especially with a naturistic background, but there are also beautiful shops, restaurants and bars, where the famous “aperitivo” is a daily ritual, ideal for those who love the sweet life (Dolce vita in Italian).

Church of San Bartolomeo

It was built in the Middle Ages and is one of the oldest structures in the area, but optimally preserved. The church is built with a simple, poor architecture, typical of the Middle Ages. It also perfectly reflects the “Christian” request of the time, when the churches were the subject of “pilgrimage”, a sort of mandatory passage useful to reach heaven on earth after a long suffering.

To reach it you need a walk of about 3 hours between paths surrounded by nature, natural chestnut woods, woods and breathtaking views. After this amazing walk you will reach the curch from which you can enjoy a truly heavenly panorama.

The Duomo of Salò

Il Duomo di Salò è una delle attrazioni principali da visitare nel paesino sulla sponda bresciana

If you want to stay in the village, one of the first stops is the Salò Cathedral (Duomo in italian) which is also considered the central monument. It is one of the masterpieces of classical architecture of the Renaissance Christian religion.

It is a work of great importance and all tourists who have visited it have been fascinated by the wealth of details. One of the most popular masterpiece that you can find inside of the Cathedral is the large crucifix that you can see at the altar. 

Furthermore, on the wall, you can see the portrait of the Virgin on the throne, which is dated 1300, such as an amazing proof of art thanks to its coloring and also for the perfect state of conservation.

The clock tower

We are talking about the clock tower you can see during your city-center walking, which for over 100 years has been one of the engineering masterpieces that has characterized this town.

Tra le cose da vedere a Salò c'è la sua Torre dell'orologio
Tra le tante cose da vedere a Salò c’è anche la simbolica torre dell’orologio

This clock has been build in 1770, and is one of the most popular monuments of this little town, together with the Duomo. A small “gem” of this structure is the presence of the lion of San Marco, a typical symbol of the republic of Venice, which had Salò under its own dominion.

According to research and also based on various testimonies, this structure was used in the past as reinforcement of the protective walls to defend the city. Later it was then enlarged and “raised” so that it became a real stronghold. Today it’s the simble of Salò

The lakefront

The Salò lakefront is one of the most beautiful projects created by the human hand. It is a long road that permit to cross the Gulf of Salò by walk. During this 15 minutes route it is possible to notice and appreciate the most beautiful glimpses of the lake and, at the same time, it is an ideal place for families with children who are looking for some relax. 

So what are you waiting for? Visit Salò and request us more informations if you need them! 

Ciao lettore :) Sono Michele, ho 30 anni e vivo sul Lago di Garda, più precisamente a Toscolano Maderno. La passione e la bellezza di questo territorio mi hanno spinto a condividere con voi i miei migliori consigli e tutto ciò che riguarda il Lago di Garda. Se avete bisogno di informazioni ulteriori commentate l'articolo e vi risponderò in 24 ore! Buon viaggio a tutti!


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