What to see in Riva del Garda

If you're wondering what to see in Riva del Garda here we have all the reply and our suggestions. From the art to the nature, Riva del Garda is the best choice where you can have a vacation.

HomeRiva del GardaWhat to see in Riva del Garda

Lake Garda offers the opportunity to live and have fun for long holidays without ever getting bored.

What to see in Riva del Garda? Better also consider what to do in Riva del Garda in order to live the experience of this South Tyrolean village at 360 degrees.

What to see in Riva del Garda

The are many things to see in Riva del Garda, but we try to highlight the monuments that attract more tourists because they offer great historical and cultural importance.

Once you have reached Riva del Garda, we suggest you to visit one of his beautiful monument: the church of the Inviolata. This historical church has a completely unique architectural style.

Its history is different from other churches that has been built in Italy. The reason for its construction was exclusively cultural, and only later it did become a religious structure. Richly decorated externally and finished in every detail, but it’s inside that we can find some of his treasures:

  • Fresco of San Carlo
  • A work by Bartolomeo Mangiavino, right on the altar
  • The fresco of the octagonal dome

The old City Center

Cosa vedere a Riva del Garda: il centro storico
Uno scorcio del centro storico di Riva del Garda

Another Must See in Riva del Garda is his famous city center where you can feel the typical italian atmosphere in a relaxed way of life. Obviously Italy is an open book where you can read a lot of the history of the past times.

Here you can see the Apponale Tower (Torre Apponale), the main attraction for the tourists that are visiting the towns at the north of the Lake Garda. This old tower is very high, it’s touching the sky for over 30 meters, and it was built with a medieval typical style.

His functions was very important as it was used as “control tower”, in fact it was used as a lighthouse for the boats in the Lake. It has recently been completely restored and it is possible to visit it internally to reach the upper terrace where you can see the splendid Lake Garda and also other views that are really very beautiful and unique in the world.

It is also located very close to the Mag Riva del Garda, that is, the Alto Garda Museum.

The Mag Riva del Garda, characteristics of this destination

Mag Riva del Garda is the abbreviation of one of the historical and tourist sites to visit, namely the Alto Garda Museum, but why should it be a What to see in Riva del Garda?

This museum is located in an ancient medieval castle, where you can find different sections and where there are paintings, canvases, works of art and also archaeological finds. The Mag Museum is often the protagonist of several exhibitions that have as their goal to enhance the castle and this Garda area.

There are also tourist guides who can make you visit Mag Riva del Garda and also introduce you to its history and legends.

The amazing Bastione of Garda

Cosa vedere a Riva del Garda? Il Bastione

Finally, from the historic center of Riva del Garda it is possible to see the Bastione monument. Very often this monument is one of the “must see” when you wonderments about what to see in Riva del Garda.

Bastione is located on a hills of Riva del Garda and offers a breathtaking view of the lake. In ancient times it was also used for military purposes to control ships, but also for commercial reasons.

In less words, this tower was very important for the economic sector of this small town but also to protect the local people in war time.

Today it can be visited and its path, reachable with a nice walk, has been made much more comfortable and easy to travel. Precisely for this reason we suggest to not miss the opportunity to visit this structure. Bastione is very beautiful externally, but also internally it is very nice to visit for those who love the history and the evolution of society.

Nature, trekking and climbing, all in Riva del Garda

We told you that Riva del Garda was “born” in an absolutely unique natural context and that offers many historical monuments, splendid landscapes and entertainment with many activities to do. So here you can also find what to do in Riva del Garda.

The nature that surrounds this lake is always green and offers woods, forests, wild chestnut woods and mountain meadows, but you also need to know where to go.

The are many walking paths in this territory, and many are designed to have different difficulties, so what we advise is to rely on a tourist guide.

The itineraries on foot, which may be suitable for trekking lovers, are:

  • The path of Monte Brione
  • The path of Busatte Tempesta
  • The Ponale path
  • Punta Larici

What is to be considered as the most beautiful is the Busatte Tempesta path which is a completely panoramic itinerary. It is really a nice “walk” with several stops where you can also enjoy a good snack. And the most important thing: it’s not hard to walk.

The lake, what to do in Riva del Garda

The lake offers two worlds, you got it right, two worlds to do splendid recreational or even sporting activities, the one on its surface and underwater.

As for what to do in Riva del Garda at an amateur level, sports or even out of curiosity, you can rely on the many piers that perform marine itineraries such as routes with kayaks, boats, skates or even with the catamaran. Many also run races with the classic sailboat and they are all activities that you can do whenever you want by relying on the associations that are present.

There are “recreational” agencies that also offer underwater activities such as diving for real fans of the genre.

Lake Garda offers a series of sea beds that are beautiful and where you can also make discoveries that will be a beautiful memory to take with you.

Arm yourself with a backpack, a good snack and a towel, here you are ready to leave for Riva del Garda!

Ciao lettore :) Sono Michele, ho 30 anni e vivo sul Lago di Garda, più precisamente a Toscolano Maderno. La passione e la bellezza di questo territorio mi hanno spinto a condividere con voi i miei migliori consigli e tutto ciò che riguarda il Lago di Garda. Se avete bisogno di informazioni ulteriori commentate l'articolo e vi risponderò in 24 ore! Buon viaggio a tutti!


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