The waterfalls of Lake Garda

On Lake Garda there are also incredible waterfalls, mostly concentrated in the Trentino area. Let's discover them, from Varone to Molina!

HomeWhat to seeThe waterfalls of Lake Garda

For those visiting the northern part of Lake Garda, one of the most beautiful surprises is discovering the many water resources of the Trentino area. Around Riva del Garda, in particular, these resources have formed waterfalls, natural canyons or carved into the rock, rivers, and streams…

The Varone Waterfall

Cascate di Varone
Le cascate di Varone sono una delle bellezze del Garda in versione trentino. Si trova vicino a Tenno

The most famous waterfall on Lake Garda is that of the Varone stream, which falls from a height of about 90 meters, creating a phenomenal jump inside a gorge, or canyon, in the mountain. The gorge, not far from Riva del Garda, is a natural passage created by millennia of erosion caused by water that flows from Lake Tenno into the Varone stream and then falls.

This rock canyon is now also equipped with viewpoints with stairs and walkways to get a closer look at its beauty. There is both a lower cave and an upper cave, the latter preceded by a botanical garden – this is indeed the work of man!

The Sajant Waterfall

After passing through the territory of Canale di Tenno, you reach Passo Ballino. From here, a half-hour walk begins, which allows you to see Lake Garda from above. You reach about 1000 meters in height, to admire the waterfall of Rio Ruzza water as it arrives from the rocks of Monte Cogorna.

There are three waterfalls: the most spectacular is about 80 meters high, the others rush between pools, basins, and jumps.

The path is moderately easy down to the bottom of the waterfall, after which it becomes more challenging and experts can even climb to the top. 

You can climb the rock via the Signora delle Acque ferrata, which allows you to overcome the height difference. A straightforward path, however, is still suitable for those with good balance and zero vertigo.

The Ponale Waterfall

This waterfall is located along the famous Ponale Road, and can be admired from the terrace of the Ponale Alto Restaurant – it’s a must to take a beautiful photo of the Ponale stream that plunges into Garda!

The jump is about 30 meters, and the stream that originates from Lake Ledro ends in Lake Garda with a loud noise. From this area, until the nineteenth century, mule tracks started that climbed up, the only accessible ways to the Valle di Ledro.

Even today, the Ponale waterfall in the lower area can only be reached via the lake. You must leave from Riva and reach the wall of Rocchetta, a rocky wall to follow until the old port of Ponale, and reach a nook where the waterfall plunges: a unique place!

The Cascades of the Rio Sallagoni

For those looking for a special place, this canyon is located near Dro (Trento) after the territory of Tenno. During the path of the Rio Sallagoni, there are several natural waterfalls that can be discovered by following a ferrata to the castle of Drena.

The Gorg d’Abiss Waterfall

In dialect, it means the vortex of the abyss. This waterfall is located in the basin of Lake Ledro and represents a small water jump, at the end of a canyon formed by the Massangla stream, in an Eden-like environment. It can be easily reached from the town of Tiarno di Sotto.

The Hert Waterfall

In the trekking route to shelters on Lake Garda Trentino, you can also admire this waterfall, which is not easy to reach, though. You have to walk along the BergHem path, equipped and for experts. However, the beauty certainly makes up for so much effort!

The Molina Waterfalls

If you change the territory and enter the hinterland of Verona, in the town of Molina in Fumane, these waterfalls are part of another water basin. Hosted inside the suggestive Molina waterfalls park, they have formed in the woods where two streams flow, which fall in different places.

You follow a path in the park, with several possibilities to visit caves and recesses. There is also an active cable car to cross the stream, and there is also a swing where you can swing and touch the waterfall with your feet!

Ciao lettore :) Sono Michele, ho 30 anni e vivo sul Lago di Garda, più precisamente a Toscolano Maderno. La passione e la bellezza di questo territorio mi hanno spinto a condividere con voi i miei migliori consigli e tutto ciò che riguarda il Lago di Garda. Se avete bisogno di informazioni ulteriori commentate l'articolo e vi risponderò in 24 ore! Buon viaggio a tutti!


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